Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Carnival #84

Apologies for the tardiness of the carnival this week. Here is an impromptu version of the carnival. Thanks for your patience.


Kelly from Almost Frugal presents Endive Gorgonzola Soup posted at Almost Frugal Food.

NerdMom presents Spinach and Sausage Egg Casserole posted at Nerd Family Food.

ChristineMM presents My Italian Tomato Salad Recipe posted at The Thinking Mother.

Kate @ A Simple Walk presents Menu Plan Monday - Week of 9/29 posted at A Simple Walk.

:: Suzanne :: presents Zucchini Loaves posted at :: adventures in daily living ::.

Abi presents lighter side - Green-Tomato Chutney posted at lighter side, saying, "Try this on your brats or hotdogs. OH so yummy!!"

NtJS presents Picked a Peck of Peppers posted at not the jet set, saying, "A little prep work today, enables our cooking tomorrow to be pepperlicious."

Rebecca Galla presents Broccoli Cheddar Soup posted at Nourishment for the Way, saying, "We've ordered Broccoli Cheddar Soup at Panera Bread so many times. This is my attempt to re-create it at home!"

axel presents The Healthy Salad posted at axel g.

Tomato Lady presents Homemade Pita Bread posted at Little House in the Suburbs, saying, "Thanks!"

Erica Burgan presents Homemade Sloppy Joes posted at The Sojourner.

SeaBirdChronicles presents Pumpkin bread in muffin form posted at SeaBird Chronicles, saying, "Pumpkin bread in muffin form!"

Kris presents Veggie Might: Low-Down Curried Root Soup posted at Cheap Healthy Good, saying, "Thanks for hosting!"

Sharee presents The secret of fabulous turkey gravy posted at A bit of flour.

Becca presents Pumpkin Butter posted at BrightHaven Times.


Stephanie presents Make Personalized Glasses posted at Stop the Ride!.

Heather presents Homemade Bookmarks posted at Make It From Scratch.

Annette Berlin presents Changing The Engine posted at Craft Salad, saying, "My husband took photos of many of his automobile repair projects. After a lot of thought, I decided to make a scrapbook page documenting one of the bigger projects."


Jocelyn @ A Pondering Heart presents Modest Make-Up? posted at A Pondering Heart.

Mary@SimplyForties presents Going Scratch posted at SimplyForties, saying, "I'm examining my life to see how I can "Go Scratch"."

vh presents Baby oil as cabinet cleaner posted at Funny about Money.

That concludes this edition. The next edition will be hosted at Stop the Ride! Submit your blog article to the next edition of make it from scratch! using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page. Hosts are need for November and December. Please email me makeitfromscratch at yahoo.com


  1. Stephanie,

    Thanks for doing this. Sorry I did not get it up this morning, I was not organized. I should have at least contacted you before I left for work this morning.

    I look forward to reading all the great posts.

  2. Thanks for getting the carnival up and thanks for including my post!

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  4. Thanks for publishing this carnival. I just linked to it.

    Have a great day!

  5. Thanks for hosting, and thanks for including Funny's baby-oil furniture cleaning adventure.

    My apologies for only JUST getting a link on my site...I've been a bit preoccupied this week. :-o


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