Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Carnival #131

The carnival can be found this week at Simply Forties. Thanks Mary for hosting a wonderful carnival this week. I really enjoyed the garden pictures she included. I only wish my gardens were so beautiful.

Picking favorites this week was difficult. There are some especially interesting craft projects (and this coming from a not so crafty woman.) Narrowing it down to three:

Make Your Own Grape Nuts

How easy is that? Not to mention economical.

T-shirt Tote
This is ridiculously easy, as in even I could do it. Now if I could find some t-shirts the kids have outgrown that aren't covered in stains....

Creamed Corn and Basil Baked Pudding
Sounds like a delicious way to use extras from the garden.

Thank you for joining us this week. And thanks to those who participated in the carnival. Hope to see your submission in next week's carnival!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Stephanie, I didn't see that you had highlighted my grape nuts post. Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Did you make any yet?


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