This week the Make it from Scratch carnival can be found at Christ's Bridge. Thank you to Rani for hosting. We all appreciate the time and effort put in to assembling the carnival for all of us! Some of my favorites this week:
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Carnival #109

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Awards, Firsts and Carnivals
Thank you to Jennifer from Frugal Front Porch for awarding Make it from Scratch with the Sisterhood Award. This award recognizes great attitude or gratitude. Jennifer your recognition is greatly appreciated.

Saturday, March 28, 2009
A Little Spring Break
Friday, March 27, 2009
Milk Crate Storage
Anyone with a child or a hobby will know that one can never have enough storage. As we prepare to add two new children to our home in the next few weeks, my handy-man uncle built us a mega shelving-unit / storage system that is just phenomenal. I've been looking at all those cute little baskets, storage bins and canvas buckets to put toys in, but at an average of $10 a piece, it can get expensive when you need, ohhhhhh, about 87 of them.
We have a bunch of these old milk crates in our basement. They've been great for storing books and CDs and what-have-you over the years, but don't quite do the job for toys - the small ones tend to fall through the holes - so I decided to cover some of ours.
For this project, you'll be making 2 simple bags for your crate. One for the inside, one for the outside. No tutorial here because it's pretty easy to do. Measure each side your crate, as well as the bottom. Cut the pieces out and sew. Slide the outside on first. Pull the edges over and tack them down so that the bag doesn't fall off.
Then slide the liner in. Here I have hemmed the top, then let it roll out and over the sides. It would be nice to tie a pretty coordinating ribbon around the top. I didn't seem to have a matching piece that was long enough, so I've used some yarn here instead.
Voila - an easy-peasy solution to your storage problems!

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Cooking with Milk Substitutes
When you ask, "Honey can you stop at the store for a gallon of milk?" does your honey come home with only a gallon of milk? Or maybe you are the one that runs out for "just a gallon of milk," and returns home with several bags of groceries. Making extra trips to the store can be costly. They cost you time. They cost you gas, and for most of us they cost us more in groceries than we actually intended.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
painted pots
Over the years we have collected many plant pots, buckets (all 87 of them), old mop buckets etc, always putting them to good use. With finally sorting out our garden and getting in more plants, herbs and fruit trees, we decided to paint the old pots and give them a new life. Another thing we are trying to do this year, is buying second hand plastic pots and buying terracotta ones as well.
So of we went to the start of the car boots last Sunday, oh how I love car boots, you just never know what you will find. One disappointment was, there were no plants for sale. Bit early I suppose. But what we did find is these two planters, know in the shops they are about £6 pound each, but we got these for a pound each. SUCH A BARGAIN. I just love getting things cheap and if they are seconds that can be reused, all the better. With these two as with our others they did need some tender love in care. Holes put into the bottom and a dust off. Then come my favourite part, painting.
(don't forget the chair, relaxation, so important)
(I also use B&Q range and what other ones I find cheap)
I have really enjoyed doing this, have been going a bit mad all over the garden. Well you can't say my garden isn't colourful LOL.
This paint I used here works really well and comes in the most amazing colours, their ranges are great. They have chocolate browns, deep purple to a light one, pinks and metallic, the most yummy deep red and even to gold and silver, and all water based so no harsh cleaning products. Just a quick wash under the tap and your brushes are clean. Hmm think I am going on a bit here, I do get excited when I find something new!
The end result is two new pots that look amazing and as if you just brought them. They are unique and in style with what you want and don't cost you a fortune to buy.
(this one is done in lilac B&Q)
and last but not least, a good cuppa tea, well he did supervise.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Carnival #108
Spring is here. The sun is shining, and Funny about Money has a wonderful Make it from Scratch carnival for us all today. Here are my picks for the week.

Saturday, March 21, 2009
At It Again With The Modeling Compound
Yes, we've been at it again with the air-dry modeling compound. We've been even busier than our usual busy times the last two weeks, so this will be a quick and easy craft for everyone to make. It is a mock-vase that I use on the counter for pennies. When this jar gets full, it gets emptied into my larger change jar and rolled.
Using the air-dry modeling compound found with the art and school supplies, make a small base for your jar. The base should be a flat piece in a circle or whatever shape you want your jar to be. Then, roll a large piece of the compound into a veeeerrrry long 'snake' piece. Attach one end of the snake to the base (you may want to use a dab of water to help seal them together) and wind the snake around and around till the jar is the desired shape and height. Allow your jar to dry at least 24 hours, then paint or color with markers.
school cafeteria worker,
councilwoman and babysitter from Ohio.
She also blogs at Heather LessiterIts All for the Best
and The Fat Bottomed Girl.

Friday, March 20, 2009
Tea Towel Travel Wallet
...but it still needs a little tweaking before it's tutorial-ready.
Instead, I'm bringing you a tutorial for a little travel wallet. Pretty much everything I'm working on these days revolves around the kids and/or our upcoming trip to Ethiopia. I need a little wallet to take with me, but I hate those flesh-colored travel wallets that you wear as a belt because they always slip and slide and hang down in So I decided to make one that hangs around your neck instead and can slide down inside your shirt or jacket if need be.
I think this would also be a great little wallet to take along on walks or bike rides or any other time you need a little bag for ID/credit card/cash but don't want to bother with lugging around a purse or big backpack.
So here we go... You'll need some fabric scraps and about a yard of ribbon.
Step 1: Cut out the front and back of your bag and two pockets. You'll need 2 pieces cut to 5" wide by 7" tall, and 2 pieces cut to 5"x5" square. My small pocket pieces in the photo are not 5" tall because I used the hemmed edge of the tea towel, so there was no need to allow extra room for hemming.
Step 2: Pin the ends of your ribbon to the wrong side of one of the pieces of the inner bag fabric. Position it so that it's long enough to get over your head and hang at a comfortable level. Sew from the bottom of the ribbon up to about 1.5 inches from the top of the fabric. You want to leave the top 1.5 inches of ribbon UNattached.
Step 3: Lay the two big pieces next to each other, right side up. Put the smaller pocket pieces on top, also right side up. Flip one pile over onto the other so that right sides are now facing each other like this:

Step 4: Sew the remaining 1.5 inches on the sides that we left open. Do not sew the ribbon to it. Leave the ribbon pulled down for now.

Step 6: Clip the corners, turn right side out, and iron.

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Homemade Scouring Powder
Some time ago I came across a recipe for Homemade Dishwasher Detergent. It is very simple:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The Greenhouse
Hello and welcome to Fiona's weekly 'Make it from Scratch' posting. I come from up the road at 'a pot, a thought and a smidgen of dirt', where I got an amazing email from the lovely lady of here asking me to do a weekly post. I almost fell off my chair, I can tell you. I adore my garden with a passion, I just started pottery and well, anything new from jewellery to writing I have a go. So, when I got the email, it was a thrill!!!!! did I mention I am a nutty kiwi (New Zealander) now living in the UK?
So a little about me and mine. I live with Mom aka Margaret, two cats, Sootie and Pebbles, and saving the best till last, Garak, our soon to be ten year old springer/lab. Nothing in this house is ever done with out those three getting their noses in and their approval. So they will be popping up here and there. I am a student at Open University studying creative writing this year, as well as trying to get our garden sorted so we can totally live upon it, sorting this house out for decorating and trying to make a living out the things I love to do. So that is a little about me and now for my first 'Make it from Scratch' post!!!!
ps. one thing about me, if there is a cheaper way to do something, I will find it!!!
The Greenhouse
As you can see from the picture above, that is my dream glass house, the fact that it is bigger than my house and well into the thousands, I thought I would go for a cheaper version. With one of our favourite (cheap) garden shops, Wilkinsons, we brought this kit set one for £39.99. WHAT A BARGAIN!
As you can see it is all kit set, but it is so easy to set up, if I can do it anyone can. Inside you get a piece of paper with all the info on it, everything is labelled with letters, ie, A,B,C,D etc. This is a must, MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THAT EVERYTHING IS THERE BEFORE YOU START. I can't stress how important this is, I know it is so exciting and you want to get started straight up, but the amount of times I haven't done this and you can guarantee that something is missing. Some places now if something is missing will just send the piece, but some still insist that you take back the whole thing. Strong words have come when having to undo it all.
So now it is all there and with coffee/tea at the ready (lots of tea), its time to get started. Basically, all you need is a patch of ground, some weed cover and 20mm gravel. Unlike myself (rolls eyes at self), make sure you get enough, we used eight standard bags of gravel to cover 120 by 190cm. Silly me, thought only four bags would do it.
(take one dog, to chase cat away who being a pain)
The reason we used 20mm gravel instead of of 10mm,
First, the 20mm doesn't sink into the ground, I was told that with the 10mm it tends to sink.
Second, for comfort, wanted it where we could walk around in bare feet and not end up with sore feet. Also good for the animals, they can have a sniff around, lay down and basically make a nuisance of themselves.
After Pebbles (our little girl cat) has done her inspection, all the pebbles are laid out level ready for the greenhouse to be assembled. Putting the frame up for the glasshouse is really easy, just follow the instructions. They are very basic, A goes into B, C connects with D, start from the bottom up and take your time, remember this is fun, so have a ball with it. I personally loved it, Mom made the drinks while we chatted and the animals had a ball inspecting everything while running around the garden.
It took me about an hour to put everything together, this is with the animals been involved as well and taking my time. Once this is done (and after another cuppa) all you have to do is put the cover on. Open the cover right up and slip it over the top, gentle pull it down over the bends extra, please, be careful here (unlike me who on last year's smaller one, pulled really hard and ripped it!), they are made to fit a tight fit, so take this part slowly.
After this, I think Pebbles was feeling she wasn't getting enough attention, so in her style she decided to climb up onto our roof!!! so the next half hour was spent on how to get the cat of the roof without breaking her leg. In the end she came down on her own, looking rather pleased with herself. Never minding my heart beating to the drums of Africa.
Now the moment comes, you are almost done! Woohoooo. With this one I got, it came with four metal pin pegs that go through the bottom metal poles, then four plastic ones that go into the ground with ropes attached to the greenhouse. Later on when I have time, I will buy the proper ones to hold it in place.
This is a really basic greenhouse, is cheap but of good quality and I love walking out there every morning to open up the door. Once I start doing my seeds it will look amazing. During the summer we are going to be growing exotic vegetables and fruits from Turkey, Mexico etc inside, will let you know how that turns out.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Carnival #107
Today the carnival is at Feels Like Home. A big thank you to Tara for a well organized carnival. Oh! There are just some fabulous entries this week. I know I say that a lot, but you just keep submitting some great ideas! The carnival always leaves me feeling inspired to try new things. Here are some entries that are just my style.
Canning: Where to Start
If you are gardening this year and want to put away some of that summer goodness for the winter, this is a post to check.
Fresh Fruit Tart
This looks wonderful!
Pecan Tassies
Nutty goodness!
Be sure to go and see the entire carnival!
Other items of interest this week:
Homestead Carnival
All Things Eco
All Foods Natural

Monday, March 16, 2009
I would like to take just a moment to thank Heather and Kellie for the absolutely fabulous job they do here at Make it from Scratch. (And at their own blogs too. Check them out if you haven't already.) Make it from Scratch would not be the same with out them! Thank you ladies!

Saturday, March 14, 2009
No Sew Purse in 5 Minutes
I have made several of these little "hobo-style" bags in different colors so I have one to go with everything. You will be pleasantly surprised at how much you can actually fit into this purse. They are fabulous for spring and summer to carry all of those essentials- cell phone, sunglasses, sunscreen, lip balm and your wallet or checkbook. I kid you not, you will fall in love with them!
I found these handkerchiefs at my local Pat Catan's for $1 each!!! They had every color under the sun and I may have to go back for more. I thought they would make cute gifts for my nieces. I think they would also make nice Easter baskets or Mother's Day gifts. A teller at our bank liked my red one so much that she borrowed it to make some for her Red Hat Society group!
Begin by pressing your handkerchief. Mine measures 22 X 22 and I measured in 8 inches from the corner. Tie a knot in each corner at about the 8 inch mark. Then, tie two of the ends together with a double knot. Repeat the double knot with the other two handles and you're done!!!
I suggest really working to tighten the knots so they don't work their way loose with all of your things inside. You can also make a bag like this out of a larger handkerchief (think of the cool vintage ones at thrift stores and garage sales) to carry your beach essentials this summer!
school cafeteria worker,
councilwoman and babysitter from Ohio.
She also blogs at Heather LessiterIts All for the Best
and The Fat Bottomed Girl.

Friday, March 13, 2009
Memory Match Game

Thursday, March 12, 2009
How to Dice an Onion
Taking it way back to the basics here today. This may seem a little simplistic, but I have a little trick to make the job easy and fast.

3. Now cut the onion the other way to create a crisscross pattern on it. Again, do not cut all the way through the onion.

To use the entire onion, hen you get to the bottom of the onion, simply make a couple slices and chop them up.