Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Carnival #105

This week the carnival is hosted by my dear hubby, Applehead. There are some very amazing ideas in this week's carnival. Be sure to go check them all out, but here are a few of my favorites. 

I'll admit to barely looking at the recipe for this cake. I'm sure it is wonderful, but what impressed me was the simply elegant decoration. You must go see! 

This is really pretty, inexpensive, and really simple. My kind of craft! Not to mention finally a way to use my credit cards that won't come back to haunt me! 

We have a freezer full of pork. While delicious, I've been trying to ration it to make it last and not overload our bodies with pork. Wouldn't you know there are not one, but three fabulous pork recipes in this week's edition of the carnival. Oh, the temptation! 

Please join the fun next week. Submit your articles via the Blog Carnival form to be included in next week's carnival! 

Other Carnivals You May Enjoy!
Carnival of the Recipes - Chocolate Recipes

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