Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Carnival #161 - Coming Home Edition

This week is the final roaming edition of Make it from Scratch. In honor of that occasion, Mary, who is also a contributor here, has put together an extra special edition of the carnival. Check out her Make it from Scratch - Coming Home Edition at Simply Forties. There are a lot of great submissions this week. Here are some of my favorites:

Curtains for a $1
I just love when a little patience and a little creativity come together to give you just what you need!

Kale Chips
I love greens. The family? Not so much. Maybe, these kale chips would change their minds.

Mixed Berry Cobbler
Thinking about making this for dinner tonight.

So, now the changes to the carnival begin. In addition to the carnival being here every week there are other changes coming. The first change is that the carnival will be moving to Thursday. Our next carnival will be Thursday April 8. This carnival will also begin the Mr. Linky format. No need to submit via Blog Carnival. Just stop by here on Thursday to link up your made from scratch post.

For those of you accustomed to using Blog Carnival, there will be a transistion time. Blog carnival submission will still be taken through April, but after that the MIFS blog carnival will be deactivated.

Thanks for joining us for the carnival this week. And thanks for riding through as the carnival transitions. Hope to see you linked up right here Thursday April 8!

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